Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So, Justin and I are drank tonight. A lot. ahhahahah And it's currently 514 in the morning on Tuesday! Yayy for 2009! woot woot. HAHHAHAHH woot. woot. ahahhahaha!!! ohshit. justin and i are funny. ahhaha what are we doing?

we are. drunk. hahaaha
and sleeping on hard wood floors. ]; but apparently, I'M sleeping on the hard wood floor while Justin sleeps on his comfy bed. is that how you spell comfy? or is it... comphy? HAHHAHA no. that looks even worse. fuck that. justin's wrong. ahahhahahahhaha ! oh fuck. zugey has class at eight. and albert is knocked the fuck out. ]; Justin has a test at ten, but he's gonna pass. cause of all the acronems. OHSHIT. im soo drunk. That is totally NOT how you spell that. ahhaha! acronyms! YE BITCH. ahaha okay. i got it. see. im not drunk! shiiiit. yuijokl, im sleepy.

okay. goodnight justin. sleep tits!


Jay Rod said...

hahaha. this blog looks short, but i remember it took like 10+ minutes becuase of you laughing way too much.

"woot woot" lol.

Anonymous said...

oh my!